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Cheers to Inebriation: A Satirical Ode to Alcohol



I got drunk for the first time in a worn-down, filthy hotel in Quebec Canada, scented with the aroma of proximal drug addicts and diseased prostitutes, and held together with the structural integrity of a lopsided Jenga stack lightly tapped by a pissed-off house cat. Immediately upon arrival, my friends and I formed a cohort of alcoholic teenagers sauntering around a foreign city in search for a liquor store -- like a malformed line of overly-ecstatic ducks searching for the nearest pond in the middle of Time Square. The liquor store was like every other liquor store, but with French accents instead of American English, so we collected an assortment of beverages -- Jack Daniels, beer, things we never tried, and some we did. We began the night by passing Peppermint Schnapps around our definition of a circle, forced to sip the intoxicating beverage whenever a paper-mustache lined-up perfectly with unsuspecting actors on the television screen, followed by steady doses of beer, that, for a first-timer, tasted like canned cat piss early in the night, and like tap water just half-an-hour later. Thirty minutes and eleven red cups into the night, the room turned into a hamster tumbler, spinning around me as if our group were a handful of strawberries tossed in a giant blender; I bounced between the narrow lanes of the hallway like an intoxicated bowling ball, before stumbling into the first room I found, and evacuated my previous three meals on the pearly-white floor tiles and the recently-cleaned porcelain tub, with a couple bakers dozens of independently-scattered parcels of predigested bile peppered across the sink and walls in a chunky depiction of misery and regret. The painless expulsion of alcohol and some of my internal organs did not compare to the impending feeling of dehydration and death. This is a typical weekend of most early-20s party-goers, mid-40s divorcees, aging biddies who had not yet realized their advancing age, and most other Americans -- who decide that ingesting scientifically identified poison to temporarily silence the monotonies of like is worth the trailing vomit and misery.

A Hangover from Hell

Alcohol is revered for its warm feelings, joyful evenings and social lubrication. But, for every night of revelry, there is an inevitable morning of reckoning, not just the realization that mistakes were made the night prior, but also an extensive list of unpleasant symptoms -- pounding headaches, roiling stomachs, and the general sense of existential despair. The severity of hangovers can vary from a mild inconvenience for a pre-bedtime water-guzzling responsible adult, to feeling like a fully-desiccated cancer patient who attempted to sprint a half-marathon during a New England heat wave before getting runover by a motored vehicle -- the hangover is a testament to the fact that all good things must come to an end. More importantly, hangovers provide evidence that most adults do not contain enough self-control to avoid behaviors that will eventually lead to existential despair, in fact, most adults are seduced by toxicity the way a swarm of flies may be drawn to a dead deer carcass -- numerous "baby daddies", unnecessary drama, alcohol and drugs.

The Heath Hazards: More Than Just a Headache

It is widely known that alcohol consumption often leads to hangovers, which are often dismissed as mere annoyances, calculated consequence worth the jovial night. However, a deeper investigation reveals that these hangovers are but the tip of the iceberg. Chronic alcohol consumption leads to a plethora of serious conditions, including liver disease, heart problems, cognitive impairments, and early-onset divorce from becoming an additional child for an already-exhausted wife. Imagine the ghastly spectacle of your liver turning into a sad, shriveled raisin, while your skin turns into a permanent, sewn-in Homer Simpson costume -- all because you couldn't resist that "one last drink" at the office holiday party.

A Fleeting Memory

Alcohol, the elixir of relaxation, has a way of helping middle-aged divorcees to forget about their problems -- from troublesome baby mothers who demand additional funding for farting procreations, to nagging bosses who nitpick every movement because he settled in a low-paying job instead of getting a proper education. Guzzling large quantities of alcohol assists in helping the consumer to forget that he is miserable, at least for the night, before he wakes up once again as a depressed sack of helplessness. In a way, alcohol is like a therapist that that helps you forget your personal traumas while inducing mild trauma to your internal organs.

Social Catastrophes: The Ripple Effect

Alcohol is infamous for turning mild-mannered individuals into brawling lunatics or, conversely, into overly sentimental saps. It's responsible for the awkward "I love you, man" moments and, the infamous karaoke disasters that no one will ever forget (or forgive). But, one will not understand the power of a double-shot of Tequilla until the bible-thumping catholic girl turns into a table-top tap dancer with misplaced clothing. Beyond these personal embarrassments at the bar, in public, or within the confines of a home, alcohol is a significant contributor to social breakdown. Family gatherings devolve into shouting matches, and corporate meetings can spiral into inexplicable, yet highly entertaining, interpretative dance routines.

The Myth of Liquid Courage

One of alcohol's greatest gifts (or curses, depending on your perspective) is its ability to imbue the imbiber with a false sense of confidence and invincibility. The myth of liquid courage has inspired countless acts of bravery, folly, and eventual regret, from ill-advised karaoke performances to ill-conceived declarations of love. Alcohol constitutes a majority acts of public stupidity, and occasionally convinces already-stupid young adults to perform unrealistic feats of courage, from lunging off short buildings to flirting with the most attractive woman at the pub, while the menacing elixir simultaneously deceives the consumer into believing that the potato-shaped man with the mis-shaped head is, in fact, that beautiful woman.

The Cause of Affairs

Statistically in the United States, 72% of all pending divorces are directly caused by alcohol - a statistic fabricated for this article and based on unofficial observation. In some cases, disgruntled wives initiate additional relationships because of their stumbling husbands, who, rather than being partners, became large, sweaty babies incapable of handling themselves in an orderly manner -- stumbling, slurring, and occasionally excreting, like their infants but larger and sweatier. In other cases, the seductive nature of liquid ecstasy skyrockets impulsivity while inversing the memory of the imbiber's partner, resulting in unjustified flirtations, a reduction in clothing, and a summoning of impending divorce documents.

The Economic Impact: A Costly Affair

The economic ramifications of alcohol consumption are staggering, from the cost of treating alcohol-related health conditions to the lost productivity of hungover employees, and even alcohol-induced funding of busty Brazilian OnlyFans models who lonely alcoholics believe can be saved. Every out-of-control partygoer has, at some point, replaced broken furniture that collapsed under the weight of an inebriated behemoth, and every middle-aged man who sulks at the local pub periodically doles-out the expense of legal fees following an eventual DUI. In a world where every cent counts, alcohol represents a frivolous waste of resources, but it's still cheaper than child support, which may also be an indirect side-effect of alcoholism.

Global Chaos: The Unseen Consequences

Though never publicly reported, most of the governmental policies enacted by the United States must be caused by inebriation. Social media highlights many strange policies and laws, devised with a level of creativity and absurdity mirrored only by drunk pedestrians devising a practical joke -- from breaking down protective barriers initially designed to keep criminals out, transexuals dancing on confused children, shipping billions of dollars to random Slavic nations somewhere in Easter Europe, and electing senile elderly men to manage the nation -- The United States is just a nation of inebriation and regret. Either that or we are all mentally handicapped and incapable of making logical decisions.


While alcohol may present itself as a harmless and enjoyable beverage, its hidden perils are vast and far-reaching. From health hazards to social catastrophes, economic drain to global chaos, alcohol stands as a testament to how something so seemingly innocuous can unravel the very fabric of civilizations. So, the next time you raise a glass, consider the terrifying truth behind the toast -- alcohol, despite its cheerful façade, is a formidable adversary to modern society. But also, for many, a sole companion on a lonesome journey.


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